Many Swimmers. Many Strokes. One Island.
Whatever your stroke. You are one. Of Many. On an island of swimmers
Swim Ireland is the leading provider of swim education on the island of Ireland. We are the only delivery and awarding body whose qualifications are recognised by Sport Ireland Coaching and Sport NI (the two Sport Councils within Ireland).
The Education Department offers a range of courses and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities.
Become a Swim Ireland coach or teacher
All courses and CPD workshops are delivered by trained Swim Ireland tutor assessors, the tutor assessors facilitate the sharing of knowledge ensuring the maintenance and development of aquatic knowledge and skills throughout the island of Ireland.
Becoming a Swim Ireland coach or teacher has never been easier.
We now deliver all teaching and coaching courses in three steps, enabling learners to engage at their own pace, in an affordable and time efficient manner.
Each step must be completed before moving on to the next one.
When deciding to gain a Swim Ireland qualification it’s helpful to know the steps involved and how long the process will take.
Check out our useful timeline and read on for more guidance.
Download Qualification Timeline
Course candidates are also required to have active Garda Vetting/ Access NI and Safeguarding Level 1.
Specific course details are available at the end of this page.
Step 1
Step 1 - e-Learning Module
Step 1 of each course is completed on our e-Learning platform called STEP.
You will be asked to work through a series of scenarios and interactive activities to help you to consolidate your learning.
You are required to pass the assessment at the end of the module before you continue onto your Virtual Classroom and Practical course.
The e-Learning module should take you between 8-12 hours.
(This is just an estimate as each learner will work at different speeds)
Step 2
Step 2 - Virtual Classroom
Step 2 of the course is delivered in a virtual classroom with our specially trained tutor assessors.
Level 1 courses are delivered over four, two-hour sessions (may vary between courses).
Level 2 courses are delivered over six, three-hour sessions (may vary between courses).
The virtual classroom includes interactive activities helping to develop your knowledge of fundamental swimming skills, while also providing you with skills to improve your communication and motivational abilities.
There are video assessments required to be completed after each module.
100% attendance is required.
Step 3
Step 3 - Practical
The practical sessions will be held face to face, in a facility or club under the guidance of a Swim Ireland tutor assessor.
Swim Ireland courses follow a continuous assessment process for the practical element of the course. When you arrive to complete the practical elements of the course, you will be assessed against the criteria detailed in a checklist.
Depending on the course, practical hours may vary from 8-16 hours, spread over a number of sessions.
100% attendance is required.
Please note:
- When you are assessed as “competent” in each piece of criteria it will be marked as complete on the checklist
- Throughout the practical session your Swim Ireland tutor assessor will add to your competency checklist
- Your Swim Ireland tutor assessor may give you feedback to help you improve your performance throughout the practical element of the course
- You may also get feedback at the end of the practical element of the course
We offer education and development opportunities in the following areas (click on the links for more information):
- Swimming Teacher Qualifications
- Swimming Coach Qualifications
- Diving Coach Qualifications
- Open Water Coach Qualifications
- Water Polo Coach Qualifications
- Tutor Development
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
- Lifesaving and Water Safety
- Safeguarding and Youth Development
- Officials Development (Swimming, Water Polo and Diving)
- Team Manager Qualifications